Presidency: Without a Palestinian state, security and stability in the region will remain elusive

RAMALLAH: Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the official spokesperson for President Mahmoud Abbas, said tonight that “without the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the borders of 1967, there will be no security and stability in the region.”

Abu Rudeineh was responding to remarks made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who declared that “there will not be a Palestinian state.”

“The entire region is on the verge of a volcanic eruption due to the aggressive policies pursued by the Israeli occupation authorities against the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights,” the presidential spokesman added.

He emphasized that “statements of condemnation and denunciation alone are no longer sufficient. If there is an international will to restore stability to the region and the world, there must be recognition of the independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Abu Rudeineh stated that “the United States bear
s responsibility for the deterioration of security and stability in the region due to its bias and blind support for the Israeli occupation.”

He added that the statements of the Israeli Prime Minister rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state “confirm that this government is determined to push the entire region into the abyss.”

“Despite all these statements, the Palestinian state exists by virtue of the recognition of the world as a whole, and there is no other option for anyone but that, whether in the region or the entire world,” the presidential spokesman affirmed.

“The Palestinian people and their just cause will prevail, and no one will be able to overcome them.”

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA