Palestinian Ambassador to Ankara Announces President Mahmoud Abbas’s Upcoming Visit to Turkey

The Palestinian Ambassador to Ankara, Faed Mustafa announced an upcoming visit by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Ankara in response to an invitation from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Mustafa said in a press statement: “Contacts are still ongoing to determine the appropriate date for this visit through diplomatic channels and according to the rules.”

He added: “The Palestinian President received an invitation letter from the Speaker of the Turkish Parliament to deliver a speech before the Parliament,” noting that “work is underway to determine its date through official contacts via diplomatic channels between the two countries.”

The Palestinian Ambassador stressed “the depth of fraternal relations between the two countries and the two peoples,” highly appreciating “Turkey’s supportive and advocacy positions for the rights of the Palestinian people.”

Yesterday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a statement in a tone of reproach to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas: “Some po
litical parties in Turkey say that the government should invite the Palestinian President to Turkey and have him speak in Parliament. Who said that we did not invite him?” Mr. Abbas did not come even though we invited him. He must first apologize to us separately.’ Erdogan added: ‘We invited him, but he did not come. We are waiting. Let us see whether he will come or not. Whether he comes or not, we say what needs to be said in the name of the Palestinian people and our Palestinian brothers in all meetings and gatherings.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency